Take advantage of the many opportunities offered by Swiss Life Dynamic Elements. Implement your goals in a self-determined manner and make your dream home a reality. Get an overview and find answers to important questions here.
Yes, Swiss Life Dynamic Elements is ideally suited for financing residential property. You can choose between two options:
First option: pledging
Ideally, you pledge your contract to the mortgagee. Otherwise the contract remains unchanged and will be subject to premiums. That way you continue to benefit from the positive investment effects and integrated risk coverage. Most mortgagees count the current surrender value as deployable equity. If the mortgagee demands a high level of security on the investments, you can easily switch your assets in the return element to the security element, since it is not subject to any price fluctuations.
What is ad-hoc reallocation and what does it do?
Ad-hoc reallocation is one of many options that Dynamic Elements offers. This allows you to determine for yourself at any time whether contractual assets are to be reallocated from the return element to the security element, and vice versa. This option can be extremely important if, for example, the mortgagee does not accept any fluctuations in the price of the assets you contributed.
Second option: early withdrawal (partial surrender)
With this option, you withdraw a portion of your contractual balance and transfer it to the mortgagee. Following the withdrawal of assets, the contract remains subject to premiums. You will benefit from positive investment effects for future premiums and integrated risk coverage, but you forego the positive investment effect for the capital withdrawn. In addition, an insured lump-sum death benefit may be reduced.
Yes, you can certainly use your contract for indirect repayment of a mortgage. Most mortgagees, including Swiss Life, factor in your premiums in full. Would you like to know more about direct and indirect amortisation? Find out now
The acquisition of residential property generally alters the need for financial risk coverage in the event of illness, accident or death. Higher risk coverage in the event of death is often a good idea and is required by the mortgagee in some cases. You can implement higher risk coverage in a self-determined manner during the policy term. If your contract includes Option Complete, increased risk cover can be provided even until you reach the age of 55 without a new medical examination, provided you are fully capable of working and not undergoing medical treatment.
What is Option Complete?
Option Complete can be included at the inception of the insurance contract. Without a medical examination, it allows you to increase your risk coverage in the event of changed circumstances and grants preferential conditions for Swiss Life fixed-rate mortgages.
Swiss Life is the largest private real estate owner in Switzerland and offers a wide range of mortgages at very attractive conditions.
Benefit from reduced mortgage rates with Option Complete
If your contract includes Option Complete, you can conclude fixed-rate mortgages at special conditions. The current special conditions are based on the market situation and can be seen under the following link in the area of fixed-rate mortgages: Mortgage interest rates
Would you like to learn more about Swiss Life mortgages?
Here you will find everything you need to know:
Dream home calculator (German)
Calculate simply with just a few clicks when and how you can make your dream home a reality.
Make an appointment for a consultation
Would you like to learn more about Dynamic Elements or would you like further information to make your dream of owning your own home come true? We would be pleased to offer you a personal and non-binding consultation. Whether at the General Agency, at your home or by video – you decide!