Put your money into unit-linked life insurance. You benefit from high-quality Swiss commercial real estate, attractive infrastructure investments and a selection of liquid funds.

The product is currently not on offer. The information applies only to existing customers.

In brief

Swiss Life Premium Assets STI is a unit-linked life insurance product. In the investment you benefit from high-quality Swiss commercial real estate, attractive infrastructure projects and a selection of liquid funds.

Your advantages at a glance

  • You benefit from the investment expertise of Swiss Life Asset Managers and the expertise and experience of the Swiss Life Group’s real estate and infrastructure specialists.
  • You benefit from investments that are otherwise only available to institutional and very wealthy investors. 
  • As a rule, there is no medical examination. 
  • All income during the term of the contract is tax-exempt if you meet the minimum requirements.
  • You enjoy other insurance benefits, such as death cover, free designation of beneficiaries, inheritance and bankruptcy privileges.

Make an appointment for a consultation

Would you like to learn more about Swiss Life Premium Assets STI, or do you have any questions? We would be pleased to provide you with more information – in a personal and non-binding consultation.

More about the product

You benefit from high-quality Swiss commercial real estate, attractive infrastructure investments and a selection of liquid funds.

Real estate fund
The proven Swiss Life REF (LUX) ESG Commercial Properties Switzerland real estate fund invests in prime-quality Swiss commercial properties and has achieved very good returns in the past few years. Swiss Life has over 125 years of experience in real estate investment. As the largest private real estate owner in Switzerland, it builds on the expertise and experience of Swiss Life Asset Managers’ real estate specialists. Trust the long-term experience and expertise of Swiss Life.

Infrastructure fund
The attractive Swiss Life Funds (LUX) Global Infrastructure Opportunities Growth infrastructure fund invests in stable-income infrastructure investments with a focus on Europe and North America. By diversifying across regions and sectors and carefully selecting infrastructure investments, the fund offers comparatively high earnings stability. The infrastructure investments offer partial inflation protection and the income is often indexed to inflation.

These two funds are pooled together with other liquid investments such as equity and bond funds in a fund of funds.


Payout at expiry is exempt from income tax, provided

  • the contract expires after age 60;
  • the insured person and the policyholder are the same.
  • the contract was concluded before the age of 66 for a minimum term of ten years

During the contract term: only wealth tax on the surrender value (and at cantonal level only).

In the event of death: no income tax; inheritance tax possible depending on policyholder's canton of residence.


From CHF 40 000


  • Inheritance and bankruptcy privileges
  • Your entitlements are always fully protected by the tied assets that Swiss Life is legally required to set aside. These are subject to controls by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

Product comparison

  • Profit from real estate and infrastructure

    Swiss Life Premium Assets STI

    • Proven real estate fund
    • Attractive infrastructure fund
    • Professional management
  • Unit-linked investment offering potential returns and risk protection

    Swiss Life Opportunities Invest

    • First-class individual funds
    • Attractive investment stories
    • Versatile combinations possible
  • Attractive investment opportunities with the security of life insurance

    Swiss Life Champion Advance

    • With guarantee
    • Predefined fund portfolio
    • Opportunity to increase guarantee