Swiss Life respects the environment and aims to continuously reduce its CO2 footprint. For this reason, Swiss Life defined new Group-wide reduction targets for its own business behaviour in 2021 and additionally relies on CO2 compensation via certified projects.

Operational ecology goals of
Swiss Life Group
In operational ecology, we will reduce CO2 emissions per full-time employee (FTE) by 35% compared to 2019. We compensate for unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting certified projects in core European markets. We will thus reach net zero in our operational activity as early as 2022.
Measures at Swiss Life Switzerland
- In Switzerland, Swiss Life is a member of the Zurich Energy Model and has been drawing all its electricity from renewable energy sources for over ten years. The Zurich Energy Model is an association of companies that set themselves voluntary targets for energy efficiency. In setting its new targets for 2020, Swiss Life renewed its pledge to increase energy efficiency at its Zurich location by 1.5% annually until 2030.
- Swiss Life is one of the founders of the Swiss Climate Foundation, which supports small and medium-sized enterprises in increasing their energy efficiency, developing climate friendly products and reducing their CO2 emissions.
- Swiss Life’s head office in Zurich is virtually CO2 neutral. Since the early 1990s, the building has been cooled and heated with water from Lake Zurich. Rainwater is used for sanitary installations at the Zurich business premises. 30% of the energy used for heating Swiss Life's Binz Center property is biogas sourced from Switzerland.