Here you will find all the information you need to make premium payments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us during our service hours.
You can check the status of premium payments here.
- you are experiencing payment difficulties
- your financial situation has changed
- you would like another payment option
you can contact Customer Services to discuss possibilities.
Customer Services Private Clients
Service times:
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Swiss Life Ltd
P.O. Box
CH-8022 Zurich
- via QR-bill (e.g. e-banking or post office counter)
- via e-bill (
- via direct debit (see “More about direct debit” below)
- via standing order (set up in e-banking) – if you therefore no longer wish to receive paper invoices, you can unsubscribe from them here: Unsubscribe QR-bill
If you would like to receive your premium invoice exclusively in digital form, you can set this in the customer portal (profile/paperless settings).
- Notify new direct debit (DB)
Direct debit (LSV+)
Want to authorise us to debit your bank or postal account for premium invoices? Simply complete our form. Please note that the original form must be submitted.
Free postage
Would you like to send us documents by post? Instead of a stamp, you are welcome to use our franking template.
- Account change for current direct debit (DB)
If you already have a direct debit (LSV) on an account but now want to change that account, you will need to set up a new direct debit (LSV).
Complete the form (download form) with the new account details, print it out and sign it and send it to us in the original by post (download postage template).
- When will my account be debited if I have set up a direct debit (DB)?
Direct debit collections take place every month between the 25th and the last day (several debit attempts). In the month of December, the first load test takes place due to the public holidays before 25 December. All premiums due up to this point which have not yet been paid will be debited to your account.
Setting up or adjusting a direct debit (LSV) also requires activities at the financial institution (bank/post office) where your account is maintained. The processing time is very individual.
It is therefore possible that the direct debit will not be collected until the end of the following month. This may result in, for example, two monthly premiums being debited from your account together.
- I have set up a direct debit (DB). Can I change the debit value date?
The value date of the debit cannot be changed. Alternatively, other payment options are available. Contact Customer Services to discuss the options.
We would be happy to accept any complaints or suggestions for improvement. These can be communicated to us using the following form.
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Customer Services Private Clients
Service times:
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Swiss Life Ltd
P.O. Box
CH-8022 Zurich

An online overview of your personal pension provision
The Swiss Life customer portal gives you access to your current pension data anytime and anywhere. So you always have an overview of your products and contracts. The portal also offers helpful tips to support your financial confidence.