Many people dream of a self-determined life in their own home. We help you find the right property and support you in the choice of an attractive mortgage.
Swiss Life Immopulse
Whether you're a private home owner or an institutional investor, Swiss Life Immopulse offers key added value for your success.
Arriving home – Let us help you buy your own home
Molti sognano di vivere in piena libertà di scelta nelle proprie quattro mura. Affinché questo sogno diventi realtà, dovreste informarvi per tempo sui necessari passi da com-piere.
You are looking for the right financing for your own home. Take advantage of attractive interest rates for the term of your choice. If your property is characterised by its ecological construction method, you can save interest costs with the green mortgage.
Comprehensive protection for your building
Swiss Life Building gives you full insurance cover – without any superfluous extras – to ensure you know your residential or commercial property is secure at all times.
Contents, liability and buildings insurance – Swiss Life Home in One
We want to make your life easier. That’s why Swiss Life Home in One includes three types of insurance. So that you are always optimally insured at home and when you are out and about.
Personal consulting
We would be pleased to provide you with more information – in a personal and non-binding consultation. We would also be happy to advise you by video instead of in the General Agency or at your home.