With a Swiss Life pension fund, you, as an insured person, profit from good benefits and are well protected for old age and in the event of disability or death.

Your partner will also be insured with an unmarried partner’s pension with no need to register separately. Even if your life situation changes unexpectedly, you plan to change jobs or you’re about to retire, Swiss Life and the pension fund will assist you as a competent partner for your occupational provisions.

Pension certificate

Learn about your current pension situation now.

Questions frequently asked by our policyholders

A change of jobs not only results in new duties and challenges – it also affects your occupational provisions. So it makes sense to think about this topic. Are the benefits at your new employer’s pension fund more or less the same as your previous pension fund, or are there differences? Your pension certificate will provide you with answers about your current and future situation. You can order a copy here (page in German).

There is a way to improve your occupational pension benefits: a pension fund purchase will increase your future second pillar benefits. At the same time, purchases made with private funds will also provide you with tax advantages. Depending on your current life situation, you may want to make a one-off purchase or a staggered purchase.

Whether you stop working permanently or temporarily or reduce your level of employment, you should determine the consequences for your pension provision in a timely manner. If you stop working, a vested benefits account or custody account will allow you to invest your second pillar assets in accordance with your wishes. You decide whether and how you participate in the development of the financial markets.

In general, second pillar assets are not available until retirement. However, there are exceptions: if you plan to buy a home, become self-employed, leave Switzerland permanently (with the exception of EU or EFTA countries) or if your personal annual contribution exceeds the available vested benefit.

Consult your Swiss Life pension fund or vested benefits institution about the documents required, deadlines and withdrawal options.

Contact your current pension fund and have them confirm receipt of the pension assets. Are you unsure whether you still have second pillar assets from a previous pension scheme? Or do you want to know whether assets from a previous pension have been transferred correctly to your current pension fund or your vested benefits account? The 2nd Pillar Central Office can provide you with information.

Make an appointment for a consultation

Occupational provisions are an important component of your financial and personal situation. With a personal consultation from Swiss Life you can adjust your pension optimally to your life situation. Arrange an appointment with our Swiss Life experts to receive a consultation. We would also be happy to advise you by video instead of in the General Agency or at your home.

Important topics

In addition to occupational provisions, there are other important aspects of financial planning. Whether you’re toying with the idea of buying a home or you want to save on taxes, Swiss Life is happy to assist you.

Life events

Many life events also have an impact on your pension – such as marriage, a new job or a divorce. A professional consultation will help you adjust your pension to your life situation.

Life Stories – Swiss Life Blog


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