Under the leadership of Nicole Dettwyler, the management of Swiss Life Pension Services brings together the top specialists in their field. Thanks to years of experience advising clients of every size and category, our team has accumulated a great deal of expertise in all situations encountered by pension funds and benefit programmes.

Nicole Dettwyler

Master of Science in Mathematics
Head Swiss Life Pension Services / Head Pension Fund Management & Administration German speaking Switzerland

Phone +41 58 311 22 21
E-mail Nicole.Dettwyler@slps.ch

Nicole Dettwyler has more than 20 years of experience in consulting, administration and management of pension funds. She has extensive experience in the field of autonomous and semi-autonomous pension funds through her various activities for the largest pension fund management and consulting company in Switzerland. Nicole Dettwyler has been independently responsible for management and expert mandates in French, German and English for autonomous pension funds. In addition, she was responsible for the administration business in the French and German-speaking parts of Switzerland and managed various nationwide projects. Nicole Dettwyler was also in charge of the following projects: BVG 2000, BVG 2005 and BVG 2010.

Francine Oberson

Master of Science (MSc)
Head Pension Fund Management & Administration French-speaking Switzerland

Phone +41 58 311 22 27
E-mail Francine.Oberson@slps.ch

Francine Oberson holds a Master of Science (MSc). She has extensive experience in all types of foundations (pension funds, 1e, vested benefits or 3a), in terms of management, consulting, client relations, legal and actuarial matters. She is also the author of a book on occupational benefits.


Pascal James Rey

Graduate in Business Information Technology HES
Head Business Support & IT

Phone +41 58 311 22 40
E-mail Pascal.Rey@slps.ch

Pascal Rey has over 20 years of experience in IT development. development. More recently, his activity has been centered around the parametrisation of applications linked to the administration of the second pillar and other social insurances. He has acquired, through his mandates, a significant know-how in project management. As head of the business and IT support team, he is responsible for monitoring and advising clients as well as for the analysis and management of internal and external processes. He is fluent in German, English, Spanish and French. Pascal Rey works in our Lausanne and Zurich offices.


Iain Richardson

Head of International Accounting

Phone +41 58 311 21 50
E-mail Iain.Richardson@slps.ch

Iain Richardson is a qualified actuary with more than 25 years of experience working at top global consulting companies. He has extensive expertise in pensions, with a particular focus on the international accounting of pension liabilities.

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