Manage your pension fund and occupational provisions with the comprehensive PensionNavigator®. Then you can view the outcome of simulated changes.
It is becoming increasingly complex to keep a pension fund under control, both in administrative and actuarial terms. Three issues in particular are increasingly posing challenges:
- An ageing society.
- Achieving the returns needed.
- Adapting the range of benefits for active members and pensioners.
What is needed today are innovative solutions that serve employees, employers and the pension fund itself.
Comprehensive and efficient navigation
Good advice consists in first analysing and evaluating the current situation. Then the optimal scenario can be determined and implemented. This provides your pension fund with a holistic form of risk management – including these advantages:
- Alignment with company strategy
- Full cost control
- Optimised risk minimisation
- Efficient processes
- Flexible and adequate benefits for your active members
The PensionNavigator® is the perfect tool: use it to navigate your pension fund, making your pension solution comprehensive and efficient. We have integrated the PensionNavigator® into the cockpit concept, thereby bringing together all the financial and organisational aspects of your pension fund. The PensionNavigator® provides you a secure means of control. This allows you to see all risks at a glance – both quantitative and qualitative.
The basis of Cockpit
Comprehensive risk management, including the PensionNavigator®, addresses the following five points:
- Strategy
- Costs
- Risk
- Processes
- Benefit level
The Cockpit concept – navigate safely with the 5 management topics
Coordinating the strategy of the pension fund with that of the company.
This includes the following items:
- The formulated strategy regarding the benefits is consistent with the company strategy.
- The elements of the strategy are documented and known to the employees.
- The benefits and their financing correspond to the desired benchmark.
- The added value of the services are also known to the company management.
- The benefits and design of the pension fund facilitate new hirings.
The cost of the pension fund must be under control.
This includes the following items:
- The risk of paying more than planned for benefits is known.
- The probability of an undercovering and the maximum level of bearable restructuring contributions to be paid is defined.
- The administrative costs are under control.
- In addition to the annual financial situation, the Board of Trustees also knows the effects of company-specific and overall economic trends.
Risk minimization is one of the most important tasks of the Pension Board. The risks must be adapted to the risk capacity.
This includes the following items:
- The decision-making processes are comprehensible and are constantly being optimized.
- The legal provisions are reflected in regulations and are completely implemented.
- The yields achieved are optimized and matched to the obligations and to the coverage ratio.
- The contributions are actuarially correct.
Efficient processes mean that the operating processes and the organizational form are effectively implemented.
This includes the following items:
- The decision-making procedures are according to the needs of the Pension Board.
- The decision-making is transparent and the implementation is monitored (Corrective measures are part of the process).
- Decisions are of a high quality and sustainable, because they are based on scenarios.
A flexible and adequate level of benefit means that employees understand the risk and age benefits.
This includes the following items:
- Active members can reconcile their pension needs with the benefits of the pension fund.
- Transparency makes the insured persons trust their pension fund and allows them to take decisions based on clear information.
Further information
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