Family is everything to the trained cabinetmaker. So it is very important to him to make sure they are well provided for. Thomas Suter shares his story to explain why he prioritises real estate investment when providing for the future.

A look back over the career of Thomas Suter reveals an impressive progression. He started out as a cabinet maker 35 years ago. Thomas now works as a site manager and executive employee for a major food producer in Orbe. However, his passion for manual work has stayed with him over the years.

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Thomas Suter derives energy from working with his hands. That’s why he makes as much time as possible for his hobby: after work and at the weekend, he creates and restores furniture in his personal workshop – or does odd jobs in his property. Fourteen years ago, Thomas bought a house built in 1870. He renovated it and moved in with his family.

I like working with my hands. That’s when I’m in my element.

Property – a secure investment for Thomas Suter

Thomas sees real estate as more than just a roof over his head. It’s an investment offering tangible and secure value. Residential property is therefore an important component of the pension plan he has organised for his family. He has bought other apartments and houses in the past few years, including one for his daughter – an advancement on her inheritance once she is ready to move out.

Once his three children – Justine, Marie and Antoine – have flown the nest, Thomas plans to spend more time with his wife. He wants to travel and enjoy life. At the same time, Thomas wants his children to stay nearby. Ideally, he would leave his properties to them for their future provisions.

A 3a pension solution completes the private provisions of Thomas and his wife. He receives regular advice from Swiss Life to ensure he is ready to retire early when he reaches 58.

I have an excellent relationship with my Swiss Life consultant, we see each other regularly. She gives me a complete plan every three to four years.
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Thomas Suter was born in Aubonne in 1966. He lives in Saint-Légier in a house he renovated himself with his wife Roselyne and their children. He is a trained cabinetmaker and now works as a site manager and executive employee for a major food producer in Orbe. Thomas loves manual work and he combines family time with his passion when renovating his daughter’s apartment.

Provide for retirement in good time

Actively shape your future now and look forward to a worry-free life after you stop working.

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