What regular and variable expense items do you have in your household – and how much will you have left over at the end of the month? With an itemised budget, you can see an overview of all items and plan your finances in a self-determined manner.
Average monthly savings per household is approximately CHF 1400
The average household income is around CHF 8000/month
The largest items in the Swiss household budget are living expenses (15%) and taxes (12%)
Relevant FAQs
- Gather all of your documents – even for smaller expenditures.
- Spread larger expenses that are due occasionally over the months. These include, for example, taxes, mortgage interest and annual or quarterly insurance premiums.
- Remember to include dentist bills, supplementary payments for heating costs, special classes for your children etc. It’s also advisable to factor in a reserve in case something unexpected happens.
- Watch out for budget traps: even if a bill does not arrive until the following month, view credit card purchases as money already spent. A car lease can also have a considerable impact on your budget over the longer term.
You need a large portion of your income for regular, fixed or relatively constant expenses. These include:
- Rent or mortgage payment
- Food and housing
- Health insurance and other insurance
- Clothing
- Transportation (public transport and a car)
- Subscriptions and memberships
If at all possible, allocate non-monthly expenses (e.g. insurance, memberships) in your budget to specific months. You should be able to meet all of these basic expenses for the rest of your life through secure, regular income.
The second half of your budget is comprised of variable expenses. These include expenses for:
- Culture
- Hobbies
- Travel
- Going out
You can and should adjust these variable expenses in line with your budget based on changes in your income (e.g. because of changes to your salary or developments on the stock market). If you have more money available, then you can spend more on leisure activities.
In addition to fixed and variable costs, you should also set aside a portion of your income for major purchases. These expenses, which are irregular but have a significant impact on your budget, include:
- Purchase of a new car
- Renovation of your home
- Dental work
If you are planning a major purchase, it is often worth establishing a time frame and setting aside money early on. For example, if you plan to buy a car in five years, you can start saving now by purchasing securities with different maturities and potential returns. Before you buy the car, you can sell these securities and use the proceeds for the purchase.
Create clarity
Budget planning isn’t that complicated. With explanations and the budget calculator from Swiss Life you can easily gain an overview.
To the budget calculator
Budget planning isn’t that complicated. With explanations and the budget calculator from Swiss Life you can easily gain an overview.
Make an appointment for a consultation
Would you like to work with one of our experts to find out how to optimise your personal budget situation? Then arrange an appointment today and receive a personal consultation!