For entrepreneurs, making important decisions is a part of daily life. But succession planning is rarely easy. Swiss Life helps you start the process early and complete it successfully.

Successfully handing over the company to a successor often takes years to plan. So it is advisable to tackle the subject as early as possible, as there is no guarantee you will be able to continue working beyond retirement age. You should also put the financial aspect of your personal future in order sooner rather than later.

  • Eigenheim.svg

    Nearly one out of three SMEs disappears because a successor cannot be found

  • Vorsorgen.svg

    The survival rate of companies following a takeover is 95% after five years, while it is just 50% for newly founded firms

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    Around 40% of companies are handed on within the family, 40% to an outsider and 20% to employees

Plan your succession with foresight

Handing over the company to someone in your family is, in most cases, especially attractive, as this allows your life’s work to remain in your family’s hands. The basic prerequisite for family succession is that there is a family member who is capable and motivated to take over from you. Furthermore, the entire family should stand behind the decision. It is also important for assets to be strictly separated.


  • No need to look for buyers.
  • Continuity of business.
  • Employee loyalty transfers more quickly to a family successor, provided he or she is brought in ahead of time.


  • Potential for conflict if members of a younger generation have other interests.
  • Risks to the company if the successor’s expertise is overestimated.
  • Potential for conflict over inheritance among multiple heirs.

  • Disability/death cover
  • Retirement provision
  • Tax optimisation (pension provisions)
  • Property insurance/health insurance
  • Own home/mortgages
  • Wealth formation/accumulation
  • Dynamic retirement planning
  • Estate and inheritance planning

Make an appointment for a consultation

We can offer you advice to meet your personal needs: from a free initial consultation to a detailed analysis to tailored planning.


Pension and financial analysis

With the pension and financial analysis, in the initial consultation we discuss your personal financial situation as a result of your divorce. For the analysis, we need information from you about your overall situation. In line with your needs and wishes, we analyse your financial situation and provide you with various potential solutions so you can be financially secure even after a divorce. We also support you in implementing your chosen solution.

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Important topics

Providing for the future with three pillars

You and your loved ones want to go on enjoying life when you’re older, have financial security for the future or perhaps fulfil a major wish.

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Optimising taxes

Use the opportunities presented by private and occupational provisions to save on taxes in a self-determined manner.

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Make an appointment for a consultation

We can offer you advice to meet your personal needs: from a free initial consultation to a detailed analysis to tailored planning.