Companies abroad that are affiliated with the Swiss Life International Employee Benefits Pension Fund have opted for a (supplementary) full insurance solution. All biometric risks (disability, death and longevity) and the investment and interest rate risk are reinsured by Swiss Life.


Historical overview
Foundation date:
Name of employee benefits institution upon foundation:
Rentenanstalt collective foundation for occupational benefits in the Principality of Liechtenstein
Purpose upon foundation:
Implementation of mandatory and supplementary pension provisions for employees of companies affiliated with the foundation and other individuals
Name change as at 1 January 2008:
Swiss Life International Employee Benefits Pension Fund (Collective Foundation)
Change of purpose as at 1 January 2008:
Implementation of occupational pensions pursuant to the Law on Pension Funds (PFG)
Type of risk cover:
Full at Swiss Life
Cover ratio:
All insurance and investment risks are 100% covered by Swiss Life at all times.
Statutory auditors: PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Zurich
Expert: Sonja Sterki, Swiss Life AG, Zürich
Board of Trustees
Term of office:  01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025