A Swiss Life study shows: the majority of Swiss parents would like to work part-time. The main reason for this is the desire for more time for childcare and the household. At the same time, financial self-determination is important to them and the salary is the reason why they often work more than they would like. That's why most fathers still work full time. At the same time, part-time employment is not only increasing among women.

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Part-time calculator

Would you like to work part-time and spend more time with your family? Find out quickly and easily what impact the reduced level of employment would have on your budget and on childcare.

Key facts about "Men and part-time work"

"Of mothers with children under the age of 25, 82% work part time – compared to just 10% of fathers."

Swiss Labour Force Survey 2017 (SLFS)

"Since 1991, part-time employment has been increasing among gainfully employed Swiss – albeit slightly less among men than women."

Swiss Federal Statistical Office, 2020

"From the age of 45, the proportion of part-time working mothers decreases slightly. For fathers, the opposite is the case: the number increases from the age of 35."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

"Fathers are much more satisfied when they work more. This suggests that fathers still adhere to old role models and feel comfortable in their role as family providers."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

"Men work part time most often when they live alone. However, if children under the age of 25 are in the same household, only one out of every ten fathers works reduced hours."

Swiss Federal Statistical Office, 2017

"Fathers say much more often than mothers that their main reason for working part time is to have more scope for their hobbies and leisure activities and to achieve a better work-life balance."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

"A good work-life balance is more important to most men than a high professional position or career."

Statista Research Department, 2019

"In 2019, employees in Switzerland worked an average of 31.8 hours a week; men 36.7 hours, women 26.2 hours."

Statista Research Department, 2020

"Many more mothers than fathers in full-time employment are already tired when they arrive at work because they had to do household chores beforehand."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

"More fathers than mothers want to retire as early as possible."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

"Flexible working hours are more important to fathers than the part-time model in feeling self-determined at work."

Swiss Life part-time study, 2019

Consulting appointment

It isn’t impossible to save money, even while working part time. Request a consultation now and find out more – either in the comfort of your own home, at our offices or conveniently via video chat. The decision lies with you.

Families in the part-time model

Part-time employment is popular in Switzerland: at least one parent works part time in 62 percent of families. There are many reasons for that: in our series we show how families deal with the topic of part-time work. What are their interests and what do they value most in the extra time they have gained?

Image source: iStock, mihailomilovanovic

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