A new job involves changes – in terms of both career and pension provision. This is because when a new company generally means a new pension fund as well. This can have positive or negative effects on your retirement assets and on your risk cover.

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    5.268 million Swiss are gainfully employed

  • Eigenheim.svg

    Roughly one in ten Swiss change companies once a year

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    30% would like a real change in their professional life

Changing jobs often represents a major opportunity: You receive new duties, meet new colleagues and may improve your position on the career ladder or your salary. In the course of all this, you may forget that a new job can also have an impact on your pension provision: as a result of the change in pension funds and changes to the benefits, your pension situation may either improve or deteriorate.

Plan your job change with foresight

  • Your previous employer informs the AHV social security administration office and the pension fund as well as the accident and short-term disability benefit insurer about the change of jobs.
  • The new employer then registers you for the relevant insurance.
  • Your second pillar assets are transferred to the new pension fund as vested benefits.

Risk insurance: if you change jobs, your pension situation should remain at a level commensurate with your income. Therefore, you should check whether you have sufficient occupational disability cover in line with your current situation and whether your family is covered optimally in the event of your death.

  • Retirement provision: check what impact the job change has on your pension situation. You can then close any gaps in a targeted manner using private provisions.
  • Short-term disability benefit and accident insurance: you should make a precise comparison here. If your new employer offers lower benefits for short-term disability benefit or accident insurance, you can conclude private cover to close this gap as well.

  • Disability/death cover
  • Future provisions
  • Tax optimisation
  • Real estate/mortgages
  • Wealth formation/accumulation
  • Healthcare insurance
  • Property insurance
  • Dynamic retirement planning

Make an appointment for a consultation

We can offer you advice to meet your personal needs: from a free initial consultation to a detailed analysis to tailored planning.


Personal pension and financial analysis

A significant portion of our advising looks at your new financial situation, taking account of changes in relation to pension funds. If your pension situation has worsened as a result of the job change, we would be pleased to advise you on how you can close this gap. In this way, we ensure that you are financially secure in each life phase.

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