Becoming self-employed is a major step – with the right pension provision, however, you can look forward with full confidence to a self-determined future. As a leading provider in the area of pension funds, we can help you with individual solutions.

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    The majority of company founders are between 35 and 44 years of age

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    50% of founders are women 

  • Mann-Frau-Familie.svg

    82% of newly founded companies have just one employee

Protecting against the consequences of disability and thinking about retirement provision are often neglected during the initial phase of founding a company, as other topics may seem more pressing. And yet company founders, employees and their families are exposed to high financial risks from the outset: for example, they could become seriously ill or have a major accident at any time. This will have consequences for their employees as well. The risks that are to be borne depend on the chosen corporate form. Company founders are also liable for their products – this is another potential financial risk that you should not underestimate.

Plan your self-employment with foresight

You have to invest before making money through your company: a young entrepreneur normally needs capital. If you found a partnership, you can use the vested benefits from the second pillar. This is not allowed if you start a limited liability company (GmbH) or a public limited company (AG). Whether you intend to invest your saved pension assets from the second and/or third pillars in your company, however, should be well thought-out. 

From a certain salary amount, you must insure your employees. Normally all individuals earning an annual salary over the BVG threshold are subject to AHV contributions. This is currently CHF 21,330 (as at 2020).

  • Protection for you or your company     
  • Retirement provision
  • Pension fund/BVG
  • Tax optimisation
  • Property insurance
  • Healthcare insurance
  • Wealth formation/accumulation
  • Dynamic retirement planning

Pension and financial analysis

With the pension and financial analysis, we discuss your personal needs as well as the financial situation of your company during the initial consultation. For the analysis, we need information from you about your overall situation. Based on your needs and wishes, we will analyse your financial situation and provide you with various solutions – for you and your company. We also support you in implementing your chosen solution.

Important topics

Providing for the future with three pillars

You and your loved ones want to go on enjoying life when you’re older, have financial security for the future or perhaps fulfil a major wish.

Learn more

Optimising taxes

Use the opportunities presented by private and occupational provisions to save on taxes in a self-determined manner.

Learn more

Protect yourself and your loved ones from financial worries

Risk insurance protects you and your family from the financial consequences of disability due to illness or accident, in the event of the need for long-term care or in case of death.

Life Stories: Swiss Life Blog


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Self-employed part-time – what happens to the AHV?

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Make an appointment for a consultation

We can offer you advice to meet your personal needs: from a free initial consultation to a detailed analysis to tailored planning.