Companies affiliated with the Swiss Life Collective BVG Foundation have opted for a full insurance solution.

All biometric risks (disability, death and longevity) and the investment and interest rate risk are reinsured by Swiss Life.


Historical overview
Foundation date: 
18. 11.1983
Name of employee benefits institution upon foundation: 
Rentenanstalt Collective BVG Foundation
 Implementation of the BVG as at 1 January 1985
Affiliated employers and active insured persons as at 31 December 1985:
  • 18 205 affiliations
  • 148 097 insured persons
Affiliated employers and active insured persons as at 31 December 2023:
  • 35 032 affiliations
  • 274 714 insured persons

Mergers in May 2008:

  • BVG-Sammelstiftung VAUDOISE VERSICHERUNGEN in Lausanne
  • Aspida - collective foundation for the implementation of BVG in Lausanne
Name change in January 2009: 
Swiss Life Collective BVG Foundation
Type of risk cover: 
Full at Swiss Life
Cover ratio: 
All insurance and investment risks are 100% covered by Swiss Life at all times.
Auditor:  PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Zurich
Expert: AG, Zürich
Board of Trustees  
Term of office:  1 July 2021 – 30 June 2025

Pension solution

Swiss Life Business Protect

To the solution