Guide future provisions & assets

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A woman sits at a table in front of a computer and signs documents.


Tips on providing for retirement

How much will my pension be when I retire? And how can I best provide for old age? Do I have gaps in my contributions? Many people wonder whether they are financially prepared for retirement. Here we share some tips on planning for retirement and reveal how you can start providing for the future now in order to lead a financially self-determined life in old age.

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Two adults and one child are sitting with their backs facing on a meadow. They have a beautiful natural panorama in front of them. The man on the left is wearing a yellow down jacket, the child in the middle a pink sweater and the woman on the right a dark down jacket. She is looking at the child smiling.


Pensions in Switzerland – the three-pillar system

Swiss retirement provisions are based on three pillars. These pillars – AHV/AVS, disability insurance and supplementary benefits, pension funds and private provisions – are intended to ensure financial self-determination and security in old age. But how exactly do retirement provisions work? And what is behind the individual pillars? Here is an overview and some valuable tips.

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A young man is sitting on the bonnet of a white car reading something on his laptop. He is on a hill out in the countryside, behind him you can see a lake, mountains and sunlight. The man is wearing blue jeans, an unbuttoned red shirt and a dark T-shirt underneath.


Vested benefits accounts and pension funds in Switzerland

Are you planning on leaving your company, but don’t have a new employer? If so, it is important to transfer your previous pension fund assets to a vested benefits account. This is an important step towards securing your retirement provisions. Swiss Life answers the most important questions on this topic.

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An older man walks on a grassy ridge at sunrise.


Disability and death insurance – an overview

Unforeseen health problems such as a stroke, long-term damage from a severe flu or a serious traffic accident can affect any of us unprepared. These events are often difficult to cope with and can have a profound impact on our lives.

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Two people, a woman with glasses and long hair and a man with white hair, are looking at documents. They are in a cozy, beautifully furnished living room.


BVG: the most important questions and answers

We often use the abbreviation BVG/LPP in connection with retirement provisions. In Switzerland, BVG/LPP stands for “berufliche Vorsorge-Gesetz” / “Loi sur la prévoyance professionnelle” (“Occupational Pensions Act”) and covers pension funds, the second pillar of the Swiss pension system. Together with first-pillar benefits, the second pillar is designed to largely maintain people’s standard of living in old age or in the event of disability or death. Find out everything you need to know about the second pillar of the Swiss pension system.

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A couple look at a laptop while making a calculation.


Identifying and avoiding pension gaps

How much will my pension be? There is no general answer to this question. However, you can already check whether you have any pension gaps. This means not having enough money to finance your spending in a self-determined manner when you reach retirement age. We will show you how to calculate pension gaps and what you can do to close them.

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