Life Stories

The Swiss Life blog about living a self-determined life

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Pillar 3b: answers to the top questions

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Are you saving with pillar 3a? Start the payments at a young age

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AHV/AVS reform: What can I expect?

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Is the imputed rental value being abolished?

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Dream home story: Anne, Ben, Lina and Nala – “We like a cosy atmosphere with lots of candles.”

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Take out a mortgage: all important information and conditions at a glance

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A woman sits relaxed in a gym, surrounded by natural light. She wears sports clothing and smiles at the camera. In the background are other people also doing yoga poses. The picture conveys calm and attentiveness and symbolises a healthy, active lifestyle.


Supplementary insurance in Switzerland: fitness, glasses & more

Basic insurance forms the foundation of health care in Switzerland while supplementary insurance offers individual protection and extended health benefits. It opens up opportunities ranging from preventative measures through to specialised treatments that go far beyond standard provision.

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A woman with a ponytail looks to the side and laughs. She holds a mobile phone in her hand and has a notepad on her lap.


Martina Gantenbein: “I am pragmatic, versatile and efficient.”

Martina Gantenbein likes to jump in at the deep end. She decided to change her career and join Swiss Life, and is now a successful pensions advisor. There is barely a problem that she cannot solve. Martina values the versatility, flexibility and, above all, the human aspect of her job. We wanted to know what motivates her on a daily basis.

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A young woman with long blonde hair and a torn denim jacket stands next to a railing by the water, with a cityscape in the background. She looks to the side with a smile as the sun goes down.


Do you want to emigrate? What you need to know about pensions.

Every year, thousands of Swiss people decide to move abroad. There are many reasons for this: love, career, a thirst for adventure or the desire for a self-determined new start. But amongst all the excitement and preparations, one important aspect is often neglected: pensions. We have summarised the key tips on how to best manage your pension fund and plan other elements of your future provisions when emigrating from Switzerland.

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A young couple is sitting on a sofa in a cosy apartment, smiling and looking at a laptop together. The woman has long blonde hair and is wearing a grey sweater, the man has dark hair and is wearing a light blue shirt. In the background are a modern decorative pillow, a plant and a lamp. The window in the background lets in natural light and shows an urban landscape.


To rent or buy – which suits me better?

Staying in a rental apartment or buying your own home – what is best for you? There’s no one right answer to this. Both types of housing have their advantages and disadvantages. We will show you the main differences as well as the important factors to consider so that you can be self-determined in choosing what is currently best for your situation.

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