Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
Mindfulness and self-compassion are two of the most important self-management skills. In addition to the benefits for effective stress reduction, these skills also help to cope constructively with uncertainties and changes as well as to discard old behaviour patterns and to learn new habits.
Distance Leadership
Working from home is becoming the new normal. Managers are required to motivate the team and lay the foundation for productive work.
Keep your fire alive – burning for a cause without burning out
When people who are committed to a cause go beyond their own performance limits, a burnout can occur. Since burnouts have different phases, many of those affected don’t realize until late that they’re in a vicious circle. Effective strategies for reducing stress and building up resources can break this cycle and thus protect against burnout.
Resilient Leadership
Balanced and healthy employees are more effective in coping with a challenging work situation. Leading one-self and employees successfully even in times of stress and uncertainty are important tasks for managers.