You want to determine in advance the extent to which your pension fund should be solely liable for death and disability risks? With Swiss Life Stop Loss, you can define the maximum retention fee from 100 insured persons. All losses exceeding this amount are covered by Swiss Life.
Our solution
Swiss Life Stop Loss is the right choice if you want to increase your risk capacity. You decide how much of the total loss (sum of all lump-sum benefits and the present value of pensions in the event of disability and death) you want to bear yourself. Swiss Life Stop Loss can be used to cover any losses exceeding the set retention fee. The disability and death benefits are reinsured by Swiss Life in accordance with the structure of your solution.
How you benefit with Swiss Life Stop Loss
✔ Benefits: you determine the extent to which the total loss is reinsured in the event of disability and death.
✔ Risk capacity and cover ratio: your pension fund's risk capacity increases thanks to the financial backing. You can reduce your insurance reserves and thus improve your cover ratio.
✔ Guarantee: the premium rate is guaranteed during the contract term (1-5 years) and is based on the individual pricing adjusted for your company.
✔ Individual loss calculation: the loss calculation is related to the actuarial basis of your pension fund.
✔ Straightforward administration: you only have to report the number of employees to be insured and claims once a year.
✔ Self-determined investment: the investment of the pension fund assets remains in your pension fund. You continue to formulate your own investment strategy.
Make an appointment for a consultation
Are you interested in an individual pension solution? Our experts provide a personal consultation free of any obligation.
Yes, your choice of retention fee and maximum total loss can limit the volatile risk costs. This makes the risks calculable.
This form of reinsurance increases the foundation's risk capacity. Insurance reserves can be reduced, which has a positive impact on the cover ratio.